Clinically Relevant Technologies Apps

CORE-Clinical Orthopaedic Exam
CORE is your portable, expert reference toolfor diagnosing musculoskeletal and orthopedic disorders. TheClinical Orthopedic Exam offers you a robust database of over 400clinical tests with descriptions on how to perform them, videodemonstrations, diagnostic properties and links to supportingmedical references. Read on to learn why you should download thispowerful resource App today!★★★★★“CORE has set the standard for a clinical exam app. The moststriking feature of this app, in addition to the vast collection oftests and videos, is actually the “properties” tab. For every test,data is presented regarding the sensitivity, specificity,likelihood ratio, accuracy and other relevant statistical testsbased on primary literature references. These lists are incrediblycomplete. This is a feature that I have not seen replicated by anyother orthopaedic reference."- (Mobile App Reviews for Orthopaedic Surgeons -Featured by AAOS)★★★★★“CORE app is a wonderful reference for many clinicians, including,but not limited to, physical therapists, athletic trainers,orthopaedic surgeons, nurses, primary care physicians, andemergency room physicians. The app is user friendly and easy tonavigate. The authors have undoubtedly put many hours of work intothis application and it shows. I would recommend this to allclinicians who perform orthopedic examinations."- Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy (JOSPT),April 2011 (Book Reviews)★★★★★“CORE is a great addition to the burgeoning collection of medicalapplications...If their first application is any indication, itseems we will have more to celebrate in the future. ...excellentapplication for doing the musculoskeletal portion of the physicalexam. ....stress how this is a great medical application forprimary care physicians. All primary care physicians know howimportant a strong musculoskeletal physical exam can be, as theyare often the first line for presenting symptoms.”- iMedicalAppsThe physical exam is an important part of the overallevaluation, and maneuvers/special tests are often used to evaluateand diagnose the patient.For almost every musculoskeletal ailment, there is a specificphysical maneuver to perform. The results of that test indicate apositive or negative finding, providing a further clue to thediagnosis.Often, there are several tests for each issue. Some are betterfor diagnosis than others. That’s where CORE comes to therescue.This useful little app contains over 400 medically referencedphysical exam maneuvers. All the extremities are covered, as wellas the spine. You get step-by-step text and video on how to performthe examination and a quick summary of references for eachexam.CORE is the app you need for making your evidence-based,clinical diagnosis. Check out the CORE features:* Powerful pocket reference with periodic updates of emergingresearch* Over 300 clinical tests to aid in diagnosis for musculoskeletaland orthopedic disorders* Covers tendinous, neuropathic, ligamentous problems for each bodypart* Descriptions on how to perform each test* Video demonstrations (streaming and with audio)* Diagnostic properties (reliability and validity)* Links to supporting medical references* Reference reviews via abstracts in PUBMed* Free updates when new tests are available in the literature, ornew studies with diagnostic properties for old tests are published(No need to “buy a newer edition”)* Optimized for phone and tablet!* Please note that STREAMING VIDEO DEMONSTRATION OF CLINICAL TESTSAND PUBMED REFERENCE REVIEW REQUIRE AN ACTIVE NETWORK CONNECTIONand have NO AUDIO. There is an in-app purchase option that lets youdownload all the videos WITH AUDIO to store on your deviceindependent of network connection.Download CORE now, the ultimate pocket reference formusculoskeletal diagnosis.
Mobile OMT Spine
High quality videos(50), audio/writteninstructions, clinical evidence summaries with PUBMed links.Developer website for details.-Physical Therapy / Physiotherapy-Manual Therapy-Chiropractor-OsteopathicMOBILE OMT for the SPINE is a powerful clinical reference andteaching tool for any student, clinician or educator involved inthe practice or the teaching of manipulative/manual therapy formusculoskeletal disorders. A comprehensive mobile companionproviding manipulative techniques for the cervical, thoracic, andlumbar spine presented in the context of best current evidence foruse in treating spine disorders. Step by step written instructions,high-quality video demonstration with audio, indications for use,and evidence to support each technique.Summaries of the most recent clinical research involvingmanipulative therapy are provided for each spine region (cervical,lumbar, and thoracic) with links to PUBmed abstracts of relevantclinical studies. Additionally a brief summary of the history ofmanipulative therapy is presented, as well as definitions ofterminology.OMT Spine Features:•Instructions for 50 orthopaedic manipulative techniques for thespine•High-quality video demonstration for each technique•Each video includes two angles of the technique being performed.Therefore, there’s no guessing the important or even subtle detailsof the techniques performance (pause, rewind, forward within thevideo)•Each video includes corresponding audio instructions that describethe technique as it’s being performed•Each technique includes common diagnoses or “indications” forwhich the technique is typically performed•Techniques include high-velocity thrust joint manipulations,non-thrust joint mobilizations, muscle stretching and“contract-relax” stretching techniques•Summaries of the current state of the research on OMT for regionsof the spine (cervical, thoracic, and lumbar)•Links to PUBmed abstracts of research on OMT for spine disorders(internet connection required)•Easily email PUBmed abstracts of the pertinent studies to yourselfor colleagues from within the app•Historical overview of manipulative therapyIf you treat patients that have musculoskeletal disorders withmanual therapy management strategies, then this app is the perfectcompanion for you and your practice!TARGET:-Osteopathic physicians-Physical Therapists / Physiotherapists-Chiropractors-Clinicians managing patients with musculoskeletal conditions-Medical students, interns, residents, fellows in any of thesedisciplines-Educators/Academicians in any of these disciplines-Anyone interested in manipulative/manual therapyComplete the series with the MOBILE OMT – LOWER EXTREMITY andMOBILE – OMT UPPER EXTREMITY apps!* Note: Need internet connection to access PUBMed links fromwithin the app. Additionally, as mentioned earlier, the size of theapp is significant due to the large number and quality of videosembedded native in this app.Note:*Required 1-time download of videos after purchase*Final app size = 160MB*If OS 2.2 or higher can save to SD card
Mobile OMT Upper Extremity
Quality videos(38), audio/writteninstructions, clinical evidence summaries with PUBMed links.Developer website for details.-Physical Therapy / Physiotherapy-Manual Therapy-Chiropractor-OsteopathicMOBILE OMT for the Upper Extremity is a powerful clinicalreference and teaching tool for any student, clinician or educatorinvolved in the practice or the teaching of manipulative/manualtherapy for musculoskeletal disorders. A comprehensive mobilecompanion providing manipulative techniques for the shoulder,elbow, and wrist/hand presented in the context of best currentevidence for use in treating spine disorders. Step by step writteninstructions, high-quality video demonstration with audio,indications for use, and evidence to support each technique.Summaries of the most recent clinical research involvingmanipulative therapy are provided for each region of the lowerextremity (hip, knee, and foot/ankle) with links to PUBmedabstracts of relevant clinical studies. Additionally a briefsummary of the history of manipulative therapy is presented, aswell as definitions of terminology.OMT Upper Extremity Features:•Instructions for 35+ orthopaedic manipulative techniques forthe Upper Extremity•High-quality video demonstration for each technique•Each video includes two angles of the technique being performed.Therefore, there’s no guessing the important or even subtle detailsof the techniques performance (pause, rewind, forward within thevideo)•Each video includes corresponding audio instructions that describethe technique as it’s being performed•Each technique includes common diagnoses or “indications” forwhich the technique is typically performed•Techniques include high-velocity thrust joint manipulations,non-thrust joint mobilizations, muscle stretching and“contract-relax” stretching techniques•Summaries of the current state of the research on OMT for eachregion•Links to PUBmed abstracts summarizing OMT research for eachdisorders (internet connection required)•Easily email PUBmed abstracts of the pertinent studies to yourselfor colleagues from within the app•Historical overview of manipulative therapyIf you treat patients that have musculoskeletal disorders withmanual therapy management strategies, then this app is the perfectcompanion for you and your practice!TARGET:-Osteopathic physicians-Physical Therapists / Physiotherapists-Chiropractors-Clinicians managing patients with musculoskeletal conditions-Medical students, interns, residents, fellows in any of thesedisciplines-Educators/Academicians in any of these disciplines-Anyone interested in manipulative/manual therapyComplete the series with the MOBILE OMT – SPINE and MOBILE – OMTLOWER EXTREMITY apps!* Note: Need internet connection to access PUBMed links fromwithin the app. Additionally, as mentioned earlier, the size of theapp is significant due to the large number and quality of videosembedded native in this app.
Mobile OMT Lower Extremity 3.1
Almost 50 lower extremity OMT techniques: videos, evidencesummaries, and more!
TherexRx 3.0.0
An app for clinicians managing patients with musculoskeletaldisorders